Seven Laws of Living
Come and meet Jeshuah through his own Words as scribed on these living attributes of the universe. Learn what heart-centered living is and the miracles we can manifest in our lives.
Come and Discover how to apply these Laws to your life to manifest what you need for an amazing, purpose-filled, joyful life and that you lead an immortal life! Jeshuah will talk about heart-centered living and the next great rise in human consciousness. Come read about this and more fascinating topics and Jeshuah’s wisdom in this insightful and inspired book.

Revelation for Modern Times
Explore Jeshuah’s expanded explanations of the mysteries of the biblical prophesies. Time and timing for a message detailing ‘in the beginning’, why Satan’s fall, the Ancients and lost information, all the way to our modern living, technology, influences that lead us away from consciousness. It is no longer a mystery when seen through the correct view point in Revelation for Modern Times –a message of hope before his (Jesus’) return.